Alexandre Séguin

Horror Demo (H.D.)

A horror game inspired by the Backrooms

Horror Demo (or H.D.) is a personal project realized in winter 2022.

¤ Time: 7 weeks

¤ Solo project

¤ Engine: Unreal Engine 4.26

¤ Roles: Level design and coding


1. My tasks

2. Results

3. First concepts of level and blocking

4. Lights

5. Gallery + credits


My tasks

- Analysis of psycho-horror games

Select psychological horror games (Outlast, Alien: Isolation and more), then dissect the level design elements.

- Paper design (L0) and blocking (L1)

Level draft in Photoshop and build the level in Unreal with BSPs and static meshes.

- Level texture and lights

- Event triggers' placements and coding

Place jumpscares at strategic points where effects will be strongest.

- Playtest level for feedback

Modify triggers or level according to feedback.


Level layout that creates discomfort

¤ The narrow corridors create stress and claustrophobia for the players, while also maintaining a balance between tension and playability.

¤ The square layout of the level allows me to play with blind spots and the fact that players have to turn the corner completely to see what's going on (high tension and anxiety).

Events placed at the right places and at the right moment

¤ Events have been strategically placed to break the players' breaks, while avoiding placing too many (common mistake in horror games, which lowers the tension).

¤ Certain events also play with the flow of the level: walls that disappear after completing the labyrinth not only raise questions for the player, but this event also allows them without backtracking.

Importance of the level designer in horror games

¤ Important learning: the level designer is not only responsible for creating an uncomfortable layout, they must also place visual and sound events, and then their triggers, correctly.

¤ Misplaced trigger = unwanted effect on the player (frustration, comedy, no reaction).

First concepts of level and blocking

The level’s first concept. The character starts in the bottom-middle room and must traverse narrow corridors to escape the level. Red lines indicate corridors blocked by walls.

Golden Path

First version of the triggers placed in the level. These trigger visual and/or audio events to frighten the player.

Changes to the concepts

¤ Some parts of the level were changed after meetings with my level design teacher.

¤ Labyrinth --> replaced by a spiral corridor. The new layout not only creates flow, but also creates discomfort for some individuals (spirals = horror element in P.T. or Uzumaki by Junji Ito).

¤ Another modified element = placement of triggers. Some of these have been moved to create a wave of tension through the level (placing jumpscares in places players don't expect).

Exporting the concept to Unreal

Level blocking with BSPs

Final result of the blocking. Note the spiral on the right, replacing the maze.


¤ Lights = one of my biggest difficulties at the start of the project.

¤ Little experience with them, so it was difficult for me to create the desired effect (dark corridors and low luminosity).

¤ However, by analyzing the different types of lights (point lights, spotlights, etc.), I discovered that spotlights create the most desired effect.

¤ The lights have been placed in a way as to draw the player towards the objective, while at the same time heightening the tension as they make their way through the darkness.

¤ Also played with light to lure players into jumpscares (traps).



Adobe Mixamo - Character model and animations

Special thanks:

Laurence Ouellette-Plouffe for your precious advice and feedback on the level.

Nicola Godin for your production and project feedback.